Played by Julianna Rose Mauriello: The character who inspired the citizens (and most importantly, the children) of LazyTown to get up and go. She loves to play and her hair, outfits and accessories are pink. She came to town to visit her uncle, the mayor of LazyTown. Stephanie is always encouraging the kids to go outside and play, but on each occasion she must contend with Robbie Rotten’s attempts to sabotage her efforts. But when she asked for Sportacus’ help, the whole town worked together to make LazyTown the best place to live. Stephanie loves to dance. She dreams of studying dance at a famous dance school.

Played by Stefán Karl Stefánsson. The antagonist of the show. He is always trying to get the kids to eat junk food and is forever trying to banish Sportacus from LazyTown. He wants to make sure LazyTown remains quiet and lazy, as it was before the arrival of Sportacus and Stephanie. Robbie devises all sorts of plans to achieve this, and sometimes comes very close to succeeding, but in the end is always defeated by Sportacus with the help of Stephanie and her friends. The amount of effort that this champion of inactivity puts into his plots is ironic; he may be the most active person in LazyTown because of it. Although his actions are those of an evil villain, he refers to himself as “a simple, rotten guy who’s just misunderstood.” He lives in an underground lair from which he spies on the children of LazyTown through a periscope.
Robbie Rotten frequently dresses up in clever disguises to cause mischief and trouble.
His emotional state rapidly goes from one extreme to another throughout an episode, reflecting Rotten’s vast determination to inflict laziness on Lazytown despite an embarrassing catalogue of previous failings.

Trixie (puppeteered and voiced by Sarah Burgess) The trouble-maker character, though she does like to play with everyone else. Trixie refers to Stephanie as “Pinky” when trying to get her attention. She also likes to draw moustaches on the mayor’s posters. In “Crystal Caper”, she kisses Stingy, implying she might have a crush on him.

Stingy (puppeteered and voiced by Jodi Eichelberger) As his name implies, the greedy and possessive character. He still plays with the gang, but he will always care about his stuff: especially his car and his prized piggy bank. He often says “It’s mine!” and has his own song by that name (which names everything in LazyTown as his). He can also play the harmonica and recorder.

Pixel (puppeteered by Julie Westwood and voiced by Kobie Powell) The character who plays too much on the computer. He fixes up all sorts of gadgets to help him avoid doing something himself, such as a machine to tie his shoes or a remote that “does everything for you.” He loves anything to do with computers, technology and gadgets. He may have a crush on Stephanie.
Ziggy (puppeteered and voiced by Guðmundur Þór Kárason) The character who loves to eat candy and sweets – particularly Taffy. After Stephanie came along he found that there is more to childhood than sugary treats. He is now active and participates in any sport the gang plays, but still enjoys candy. He can usually be seen holding a lollipop.
Mayor Milford Meanswell (puppeteered and voiced by David Matthew Feldman) A nervous wreck who has a crush on Ms. Busybody. He loves his niece Stephanie very much and calls Sportacus if she feels sad or depressed. He is also famous for saying “Oh my!” all the time if something is wrong. In the episode ‘Lazy Town Goes Digital’, the Mayor is seen to be continually perplexed by modern technological terms and later has to be corrected when foolishly trying to send a ‘b-mail’ using a recently installed computer system. This shows the mayor is somewhat backwards.

Bessie Busybody (puppeteered and voiced by Julie Westwood) Although patronizing, she tries her best to be motherly with the children. She is aware of every new trend, and is pompous but fashionable, and she loves to talk on her cell phone.
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